Tuesday, August 3, 2010


“Books open your mind, broaden your mind, and strengthen you as nothing else can” - Wiliam Feather
Books, books and even more books....
 I have been doing A LOT of reading lately. These are majority of the books I've read since February of 2009. What really got me hooked on reading was starting a class called Omnibus. I took this course through Veritas Press. http://www.veritaspress.com/  
I mean, I hadn't even heard of most of the books that I read through Omnibus - it was just so incredible, so many wonderful books out there! Omnibus was one of the best classes I have ever taken, I highly recommend it. All of the writing, debating, discussing, learning and reading is just one of the best experiences ever. And all of the friendships you make, the students are from all across the globe, it's just AMAZING! 

Photoshoot with Casidy Brown

All I can say is thank you Casidy for finally letting me do a photoshoot of you! These were taken up in Canada earlier in July.